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Spreading Newtonian Philosophy with Instruments: The Case of Atwood’s Machine  [PDF]
Salvatore Esposito, Edvige Schettino
Advances in Historical Studies (AHS) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/ahs.2014.31007
Abstract: We study how the paradigm of Newton’s science, based on the organization of scientific knowledge as a series of mathematical laws, was definitively accepted in science courses—in the last decades of the XVIII century, in England as well as in the Continent—by means of the “universal” dynamical machine invented by George Atwood in late 1770s just for this purpose. The spreading of such machine, occurring well before the appearance of Atwood’s treatise where he described the novel machine and the experiments to be performed with it, is a quite interesting historical case, which we consider in some detail. In particular, we focus on the “improvement” introduced by the Italian Giuseppe Saverio Poli and the subsequent “simplifications” of the machine, underlying the ongoing change of perspective after the definitive success of Newtonianism. The case studied here allows recognizing the relevant role played by a properly devised instrument in the acceptance of a new paradigm by nonerudite scholars, in addition to the traditional ways involving erudite scientists, and thus the complementary role of machine philosophy with respect to mathematical, philosophical or even physical reasoning.
Las condiciones de la democracia posible: El federalista y Tocqueville
Humberto Schettino
Signos filosóficos , 2003,
Abstract: Resumen: Una revisión somera de la teoría contemporánea de la democracia ofrece el siguiente panorama: por un lado, una valoración positiva de la forma efectiva de la democracia, es decir, la democracia liberal y representativa porque provee estabilidad, se respetan las libertades y tienen altos niveles de legitimidad; y, por el otro, una crítica de la democracia por ineficiente, representativa y no participativa y por liberal en oposición a social. El problema, evidentemente, es el siguiente: la democracia, podría ser como debería ser o sólo puede ser como de hecho es? Evidentemente, no se puede ofrecer a esta pregunta una respuesta definitiva y, en su lugar, se revisan los argumentos de aquellos autores que defienden a la democracia liberal y representativa como la única forma de gobierno posible en el mundo moderno con la intención de determinar si tienen o no razón, es decir, si la democracia representativa y liberal es, en efecto, la única forma de democracia posible. Dos ejemplos clásicos de esta tesis se encuentran en las obras de Publius (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison y John Jay) y Alexis de Tocqueville. Abstract: A superficial review of the contemporary theory of democracy offers the following panorama. On the one hand, a positive appraisal of the effective form of democracy, that is, liberal and representative democracy because it provides stability, freedom is respected and there are high levels of justice. On the other, a criticism of democracy for being inefficient, representative and non-participatory, and for being liberal in opposition to social. Obviously the problem is the following: could democracy be what it should be or can it only be de facto? Obviously a definite answer cannot be given to this question and, instead, the arguments of those authors who defend liberal and representative democracy as the only possible form of government in the modern world are revised with the intention of determining whether they are right or not, that is, if representative and liberal government is, in effect, the only form of possible government. Two classic examples of this thesis are found in the works of Publius (Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay) and Alexis de Tocqueville.
Max Weber y la polí-tica democrática
Humberto Schettino
Signos filosóficos , 2000,
Abstract: "Max Weber y la polí-tica democrática" La lección de Weber sobre la democracia es doble. Por un lado, la precisión acerca de qué actores y qué procesos son claves en su estudio -lí-deres, burocracia, partidos. búsqueda del poder, responsabilidad, etc.-y, por otro, la convicción acerca de los lí-mites de lo posible en una democracia. Para el sociólogo alemán, la democracia no es ni una ví-a para la emancipación, ni una manera de realizar el potencial de los seres humanos, ni siquiera un medio para obtener la justicia social. La democracia, para Weber, es una forma de gobierno y un método para la selección de gobernantes y que, cuando funciona bien, permite estabilidad y libertad. "Max Weber and democratic politics" Weber s lesson about democracy is double: pointing out which actors and processes are key for its study, and knowing the limitations of democracy. For Weber, democracy is a form of government and a way to choose rulers: if it works right it allows stability and freedom.
Rese a de "México al inicio del siglo XXI, democracia, ciudadanía y desarrollo, coordinado" por Alberto Aziz Nasif
Macario Schettino
Espiral , 2004,
Implementation and Control of an AC/DC/AC Converter for Double Wound Flywheel Application
J. G. Oliveira,H. Schettino,V. Gama,R. Carvalho,H. Bernhoff
Advances in Power Electronics , 2012, DOI: 10.1155/2012/604703
Abstract: An all-electric driveline based on a double wound flywheel, connected in series between main energy storage and a wheel motor, is presented. The flywheel works as a power buffer, allowing the battery to deliver optimized power. It also separates electrically the system in two sides, with the battery connected to the low voltage side and the wheel motor connected to the high voltage side. This paper presents the implementation and control of the AC/DC/AC converter, used to connect the flywheel high voltage windings to the wheel motor. The converter general operation and the adopted control strategy are discussed. The implementation of the AC/DC/AC converter has been described from a practical perspective. Results from experimental tests performed in the full-system prototype are presented. The prototype system is running with satisfactory stability during acceleration mode. Good efficiency and unity power factor could be achieved, based on vector control and space vector modulation. 1. Introduction Extensive research has been recently done on Electric Vehicles (EVs) [1, 2]. The development of an efficient and robust propulsion system is essential to the feasibility of EVs [3]. But, even though sophisticated engines and advanced electrical power trains exist, the main issue, the long-term energy storage, has not been resolved. All-electric drivelines based on battery, supercapacitor, flywheel, and combinations of these are being widely discussed and tested, attempting to lower the requirement on power density from the batteries [4, 5]. The propulsion system in development at Uppsala University is based upon a double wound flywheel energy storage device [6]. The flywheel under study is physically divided into two voltage levels through the stator winding. The high voltage side of the flywheel is connected to the wheel motor, whereas the low voltage side is connected to the battery, as shown in Figure 1. The system is bidirectional and the power can either flow from the battery to the wheel motor (acceleration mode) or from the wheel-motor to the battery (regenerative braking) [7]. Figure 1: All-electric driveline schematics: The power can flow in both directions. In acceleration mode, the flywheel function is basically to provide the variant power requested by the wheel motor, so that the battery delivers a smoother output power. In braking mode, the wheel motor acts as a generator, and the flywheel is responsible for storing the regenerated energy. The system needs a considerable number of power electronics converters and electronic controllers in order
Metodología de trabajo del perito forense veterinario (Methodology of work of veterinary expert forense)
Schettino, D.M. (*)
REDVET , 2007,
Abstract: La designación de un medico veterinario como perito forense para un caso de actuación en delitos rurales, en agresiones a animales silvestres o en mascotas domésticas, implica no solo el conocimiento de los términos legales de la actividad, sino también tener en claro cuales son los pasos a seguir desde el ingreso al lugar del hecho, hasta el acercamiento al cadáver o los restos que hayan quedado, la toma de muestras en elevarlo como prueba jurídica. En la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Republica Argentina, la profesión está sustentada en legislación propia y se siguen los lineamientos de la legislaciónpenal provincial.
El veterinario forense. Caza clandestina en fauna silvestre. Análisis forense y situacional de dos casos en el municipio de Tandil, Argentina (The Forensic Veterinary. Clandestine hunt in wild fauna. Forensic and situational studies in two cases. Tandil county. Argentina)
Schettino, D.M.
REDVET , 2007,
Abstract: ResumenDos casos de caza clandestina de fauna silvestre ocurren con diferencia de meses en el municipio de Tandil, en los a os2005 y 2006. Ambos afectaron a ciervos dama (Dama dama) que fueron cazados en diferentes circunstancias. La utilización de perros entrenados para matar como también el uso de armas de guerra en áreas suburbanas está tácitamente prohibida en la legislación actual. Ambos casos son peritados en la FCV-UNCPBA y se analizan las condiciones de cada situación, el respaldo legal y los resultados obtenidos en amboscasos.
La prima cattedra di storia della fisica in Italia: un'occasione mancata [Con Appendice 1: lettere riguardanti la carriera accademica di Gilberto Govi; Appendice 2: "Intorno all'utilità d'una scuola di storia della fisica" di Gilberto Govi]
Antonio Borrelli,Edvige Schettino
Scienza & Politica : per una Storia delle Dottrine , 2005, DOI: 10.6092/issn.1825-9618/2822
Abstract: La prima cattedra di storia della fisica in Italia: un’occasione mancata [Con Appendice 1: lettere riguardanti la carriera accademica di Gilberto Govi; Appendice 2: "Intorno all’utilità d’una scuola di storia della fisica" di Gilberto Govi]
Spreading scientific philosophies with instruments: the case of Atwood's machine
S. Esposito,E. Schettino
Physics , 2012,
Abstract: We study how the paradigm of Newton's science, based on the organization of scientific knowledge as a series of mathematical laws, was definitively accepted in science courses - in the last decades of the XVIII century, in England as well as in the Continent - by means of the "universal" dynamical machine invented by George Atwood in late 1770s just for this purpose. The spreading of such machine, occurred well before the appearance of Atwood's treatise where he described the novel machine and the experiments to be performed with it, is a quite interesting historical case, which we consider in some detail. In particular, we focus on the "improvement" introduced by the Italian Giuseppe Saverio Poli and the subsequent "simplifications" of the machine, underlying the ongoing change of perspective after the definitive success of Newtonianism. The case studied here allows to recognize the relevant role played by a properly devised instrument in the acceptance of a new paradigm by non-erudite scholars, in addition to the traditional ways involving erudite scientists, and thus the complementary role of machine philosophy with respect to mathematical, philosophical or even physical reasoning.
Lama glama con signología y lesiones compatibles con paratuberculosis causadas por Mycobacterium avium subespecie avium
Jorge,M.C; Traversa,M.J; Schettino,D.M; Giordano,A; Etchechoury,I; Sanz,H; Romero,C; Grand,H; Paolicchi,F; Romano,M.I;
InVet , 2008,
Abstract: guanaco, vicu?a, alpaca and llama (lama glama) are also known as sudamerican camelids (sc). in argentina llama was considered non profitable wildlife specie but now it is considered a mean for surviving because their meat, wool, leather and skin is valuable. sc are susceptible hosts of mycobacterial infections. a presumptive diagnosis is based on clinical and necropsy findings and is confirmed with bacterial isolation, molecular identification and histopathology. the objective of this publication is to describe a clinical case with clinical and necropsy findings consistent with paratuberculosis and its laboratory diagnosis in a captive llama from a zoo garden in olavarría, buenos aires province. during necropsy granulomatous lesions resembling paratuberculosis in jejunum, ileon and mesenteric lymph nodes were observed. in direct smears and histopathology acid fast bacilli in clusters were detected. mycobacterium avium subespecie avium was confirmed with bacteriology and the specific probe is1245 was detected by pcr, is900 mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis specific probe was not demonstrated. these allowed confirming the etiology of a granulomatous enteritis case in llamas caused by mycobacterium avium subespecie avium with clinical signs and lesions resembling paratuberculosis.

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